區塊鏈上的智能合約(smart contract)
智能合約是 Nick Szabo 在 1990 年代提出用語及概念. 是透過網際網路與他人互動的一種概念與協議
The phrase and concept of "smart contracts" was developed by Szabo with the goal of bringing what he calls the "highly evolved" practices of contract law and practice to the design of electronic commerce protocols between strangers on the Internet.
智能合約為將雙方買賣的協議寫成程式碼, 而程式會發佈在區塊鏈上, 所以有去中心化且事務是可跟踪與不可逆的特性. 而智能合約的構成要素如下.
- 合約主體 (Subject of Contract)
- 數位簽名(Digital Signature)
- 合約條款(Contract Terms)
- 去中心化平台(Decentralized Platform)