Evergreen Note
Question :: 這篇文章主要在說什麼?
Answer :: 根據軟體業來定義運維. 而運維之核心價值在於維持系統的穩定度, 其手段根據不同公司會有不同的方式.
運維管理可以應用在不同產業上, 而此篇文章則關注在軟體產業, 所以這邊選擇了 ASANA 跟 IBM 做研讀.
對於 OPS 所需的技能跟責任根據所待的公司有所不同, 但運維的目的其繞著確保系統的可靠性、穩定性和高效運作進行.
以我在其產業中的經驗, 大致列幾個方向:
- 監控和警報
- 備份機制和還原機制
- 故障排除和系統分析
- 設備資源規劃和優化
- 安全和合規性
What is operations management?
Operations management is the implementation of business strategies in order to create the highest level of efficiency possible within your organization.
Operations management involves planning, organizing, and overseeing processes such as inventory management, the production process, service operations, and other business processes. The goal of an operations strategy is to make these processes more efficient, so you can balance cost and revenue and generate the highest possible profit.
What is IT operations (ITOps)?
Whether it’s the financial industry, telecommunications or retail, today’s businesses and their customers rely on immediate access to applications and expect seamless customer experiences. This requires optimal performance from applications and the supporting IT resources that the applications run on, such as public cloud and private cloud infrastructure, data, networks and services. Even a brief IT outage can have a significant impact on business operations and quickly become costly. The primary role of IT operations is to ensure the smooth performance of IT and business technologies so that business operations can proceed uninterrupted.
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